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Cobra's Homebrewing Hints

March 4, 2004 - Removing Labels
Homebrewing March 4, 2004      
Written by Cobra

, N/A -

Article 2. Removing those pesky labels from your bottles, so you can re-use
them for homebrewing.

<P>You will need: A large bucket (5 gals.) or a large bin (Rubbermaid)

Hot water

Oxy-Clean or Ammonia

Plastic putty knife

Plastic scrubbie pads

A plastic fork ( for the really tough labels)<P>
Procedure: First, wash out your bottles after you empty them. If you rinse
them out right away, there's less chance of nasties growing in them. Fill
the bottles with hot water, and place them inside the bucket, bin or what
have you. Begin filling the bucket with more hot water. Add EITHER Oxy-Clean
OR ammonia, but NEVER BOTH AT THE SAME TIME. Soak your bottles for at least
an hour, preferrably overnight. Most labels will simply slide right off.
For those that don't, try using the plastic putty knife on one edge to get
them started, then resoak for awhile. Use plastic here folks, as it won't
scratch the glass.

<P>If that still won't remove the label, try the plastic fork, and score the
label repeatedly, making sure you get down to the glass. Then resoak as
above. When you finally do get the labels off, use the plastic scrubbie pad
to remove any left over glue from the bottle & neck.

<P>Rinse very well in hot water, then either dry them, or sanitize them for
immediate use in bottling your homebrew.



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