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       Jun 14, 2002

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Best Beer City Competition

You Think You Know A Better Beer City Than NYC? Fuhgeddaboudit!
Beer Travels September 5, 2002      
Written by austinpowers

San Francisco, CALIFORNIA -

The greatest beer city is New York. Hands down. It all boils down to availability. You can buy almost any beer here that is legally imported into the US, plus a few black market imports of dubious origin probably smuggled in duty-free by Soprano-like crime syndicates. Unlike most cities which have one or two great beer stores, each selling 400-500 beers, New York City has no fewer than three (Bierkraft, American Beer Distributing and Happy Deli) and enough craft-brew drinking Wall Street Yuppies to keep them in business.

<P>And if the 1,000 or so beers those stores offer don’t sate your thirst, there’s the famed Peculier Pub which gives D.C.’s Brickskeller a run for its money, offering around 500 beers. Peculier Pub (named after the ancient term for a collector of tax on beer) is known for keeping the nearby spoiled-rotten rich-kid NYU coeds drunk enough so that they’re able to deal with life’s little injustices, like your roommate having a nicer Lexus than you. To escape the frat scene, hunker down at Midtown Manhattan’s Gingerman Pub, which has 66 taps offering the likes of Maredsous and other Belgian ales to weary investment bankers trying to forget the day’s 200-point drop in the Dow Jones Average.

<P>On top of all that, you still have the Brooklyn Brewery, makers of the highly regarded Blanche de Brooklyn and Black Chocolate Stout, among others. There’s also the Heartland Brewery, proud brewer of Farmer Jon’s Oatmeal Stout which will likely debut in RateBeer’s Top 50. As Mafia don Tony Soprano might say - if you think there might be a better beer city than New York, fuhgeddaboudit!



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