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Tuatara Hefeweizen

Brewer: Tuatara Brewing Company (DB - Heineken Asia Pacific)
Style: Weissbier - Hefeweizen
Alcohol Content: 5%
Seasonal: No

Kiwis like to eat bread by the truckload, but we’re sometimes surprised to find that wheat can also make a mighty good beer. It gives it a sweeter, cloudier base, while the yeast produces a unique flavour of ripe bananas, vanilla and clove. So raise a glass to the Weiz Guys who invented this brew. It’s the best thing since sliced bread.

Kiwis also know their beer. Way back in 2000, when Carl’s purpose in life was to introduce true to style international beers to the locals, most of us were scratching our heads when we held up a glass of Bavarian Hefe, this cloudy concoction called a wheat beer. 16 years on, us worldly lot have weized up, caught up and arguably overtaken the rest of the world in our craft beer know how. So we have finally given our Tuatara Hefe an identity of it’s own. Because we think you’re weiz enough to figure the rest out.

Taste: Ripe banana, vanilla and clove. Balanced sweetness, with slight tart finish.
Aroma: Banana and clove
Look: Distinctively cloudy
Hops: Pacific Jade
Malt: NZ Lager, NZ Wheat, German Wheat

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