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To Øl Goliat Imperial Coffee Stout

Brewer: To Øl
Style: Stout - Imperial Flavored / Pastry
Alcohol Content: 10.1%
Seasonal: No

The great warrior of Gath. The mighty champion of the Philistines. embedded in ancient folklore and religion. Coming from the World of Old. His size and stature is not human. He is bigger. The armor of Goliat is black. Creamy black lacings. Stands with a towering height. He can grab elements from both earth and heaven. Earthy, roasted, notes from the earth. Warming, pungent, sweet notes from the skies. His heart is beating slowly, almost endlessly slow. This man is thought to be invincible!

Ingredients: Water, barley malt, roasted barley, dark cassonade sugar, flaked oats, hops, gourmet coffee and yeast.

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