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Moa Methode Pilsner

Brewer: Moa Brewing Company
Style: Pilsener / Pils / Pilsner
Alcohol Content: 5%
Seasonal: No

Moa Methode Pilsner is a clean, crisp lager with a dry finish. A late throw of Pacifica and Motueka hops gives some upfront citrus aromatics, and the champagne yeast used in secondary fermentation imparts complex spicy characters.

Tasting Notes
Moa Methode is a German style pilsner with a high bitterness balanced with a relatively full mouth feel. Citrus hop characters dominate aroma with the presence of fresh bread yeast notes. It can either be poured carefully off the lees or alternatively with the lees mixed in if a strong yeast character is desired. Moa Methode is a complex pilsner best served in a pilsner glass at approximately 6˚C to maximise aromatic release.

Gold - Asia Beer Awards
Bronze – Australian Intl. Beer Awards
Bronze – Brew NZ Awards

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