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Uiltje F*ck De Caravan Staat In De Fik!

Brewer: Uiltje Brewing Company (Swinkels Family Brewers)
Style: Wheat Ale
Alcohol Content: 5.5%
Seasonal: Special

Hoppy Wheat. Brewed at Jopen until 2016. Think Holland and you think sex, drugs, Vincent, Johan & Anne. What you don't think is: caravans. But you should, because no one does caravans quite like the Dutch do caravans. Each summer the nation retreats en masse to the Mediterranean's balmy shores, pulling with them rolling homes filled with locally brewed beer. So for them we're bringing back our summertime classic: F*ck The Caravan's On Fire! This 5.5% wheat pale ale brewed with Mosaic and Simcoe hops can't help but be the king of the campsite. And remember, if your caravan catches afire, don't panic. Just slowly exit your vehicle, grab a beach chair and watch that baby burn! Holland is a welfare state after all. Everything is insured. Caravans included.

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