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E. C. Dahls Lamo Wit

Brewer: E. C. Dahls Bryggeri (Ringnes - Carlsberg)
Style: Witbier / Belgian White Ale
Alcohol Content: 5.2%
Seasonal: No

The sun sets and color the sky orange above Trondheim city, while the aroma of wort spreads from E.C Dahls Brewery. Just an ordinary evening for a “lamonitt”, a resident of Lademoen. Lademoen is an area where the industry is mixed with housing and a place where a brewery is fond of their neighbors. A small piece of Brooklyn in Norway.

A Belgian wit bier beer gets its flavor from the classic ingredients: Curacao orange peel and coriander. We have also added rosehip, which gives it a more snappy and complex flavor. Wit bier is one of the most versatile and food-friendly styles of beer – and Lamo Wit is especially well paired with seafood, fish and salads.

Gjær: Brooklyn Belgian Ale yeast
Humle: Perle
Malt: Byggmalt og umaltet hvete
Brygget med nype, koriander og appelsinskall.

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