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Malmgård Proto #12

Brewer: Malmgårdin Panimo - Malmgard Brewery (MBH Breweries Oy)
Style: Scotch Ale / Wee Heavy
Alcohol Content: 6.8%
Seasonal: No

PROTO #12 - SMOKED OATS (SCOTCH ALE) As the autumn arrives, Proto beers have traditionally been shifted into sturdier and darker beers. However, this time, we took a step towards Scotland. This full-bodied dark brown Scotch Ale gets an extra kick out of roasted oat and beechwood smoked oat. The result is a lusciously malty, rich, caramel roasted beer with a twist of smoked malt, giving the taste a smoky dryness and lots of character. Wort 16,5 % Alc. 6,8 % Bitterness 28 EBU Colour 60 EBC Ingredients: Malmgård’s own spring water, barley malt, roasted oat, smoked oat, hop and Ale yeast

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