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Indslev Svane Hvede

Brewer: Indslev Bryggeri / Ugly Duck Brewing Co. (Vestfyen)
Style: Weissbier - Hefeweizen
Alcohol Content: 5.3%
Seasonal: No

Svane Hvede is refreshing, fruity, and full of inviting notes of citrus, banana, and cloves. Enjoy it as a thirst quencher for workdays and parties. Put it on the table when you want to make your lunch even better or serve it with light dishes from the Danish summer kitchen. The recipe is from Bayern, where our brewmaster Stefan Peter Stadler was educated as a brewer 30 years ago. Serve the beer directly from the refrigerator. Serve the beer in wheat beer glasses and take your time serving it. Shake the last of the beer before pouring.

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