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Russian River Consecration

Brewer: Russian River Brewing Company
Style: Sour Flemish Ale - Flanders Red / Oud Bruin
Alcohol Content: 10%
Seasonal: Special

Ale with currants added and aged in oak barrels. When we made the Toronado’s 20th Anniversary Ale, we had no idea that it would turn out to be one of our favorite barrel aged beers we would ever make. With that said, we have always wanted to make a dark barrel aged beer using 100% Cabernet Sauvignon barrels but, we never were inspired. That is, until we blended five different beers to make the Toronado beer, the tobacco character from the the dark malts blended nicely with the furit character that developed in blending. So, with Concescration we set out to make a barrel beer using all Cabernet Sauvignon barrels. No, we are not saying that this is a replica of the T-rooms anniversary beer, after all, a beer like that can never be duplicated, and, there was no fruit added to that beer as there is with this one. All we are saying is that it gave us great inspiration to brew Consecration.

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