Heavy Seas Mutiny Fleet Below Decks

RATINGS: 457   WEIGHTED AVG: 3.28/5   SEASONAL: Special   EST. CALORIES: 300   ABV: 10%
Our English style barleywine - rich, malty, and opulent. Great at time of release but will benefit from bottle aging for many years to come. VINTAGE DATED.

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jhumphries69's rating

   AROMA 6/10   APPEARANCE 4/5   TASTE 8/10   PALATE 4/5   OVERALL 15/20
jhumphries69 (1034) - Tyrone, Georgia, USA - JAN 5, 2008
12oz bottle. Pours a deep, orangey copper with a thick - though shortlived - light tan head. Some lace (though very little) remains on the side of glass as it is consumed. The aroma is thick and sticky with vinous malts, caramel, and some alcohol. There are notes of spice and fruit that cut the aroma so that it isn’t grossly sweet. The flavor starts bittersweet with notes of caramel, fruit, and spice. It is very malty with lots of caramel and notes of toffee, treacle, and molasses. There is a slight hint of licorice in there, too. By the middle of the tongue, the tinge of alcohol grows - and the spice and fruit grow, too. The finish is spicy with a balancing bitterness and a firm alcohol presence. The bitter hops in the back are distinctly earthy and spicy. The mouthfeel is thick and full, but not syrupy. The high alcohol accentuates the tingle on the tongue delivered by the carbon dioxide. The carbonation level is right on for style - low though still far from flat. It carbonated enough to slightly lighten the beer’s texture and make it lively on the walls of the mouth. Overall, a very decent English barley wine - and a strong one, too.

Sammy (19562) - Toronto, Ontario, CANADA - APR 12, 2021
UPDATED: APR 12, 2021 2010 barley wine that has held up very well. Good drinker even though some alcohol in the finish.

altonbrownd (5950) - Chevy Chase, Maryland, USA - NOV 25, 2018
Amber body with medium head. Nose is sweet and malty and barley notes. Taste similar of malt and sweet raisins. Sour in the finish.

PhillyCraft (12882) - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA - NOV 29, 2016
backlog, Bottle, pours an amber tinted brown color with an average head and lace. Smell and taste are dark fruit, candy sugar, spice, and booze. Lots of warming alcohol effects on a medium to fuller bodied beer.

solidfunk (20883) - Washington D.C., Washington DC, USA - NOV 18, 2016
Some oaky astringency and lots of booze and boiled down caramel. Brown pour with ok head. Doesn’t come together super well. Tap at Rosslyn brewpub.

Joel (114) - Massachusetts, USA - JAN 4, 2015
Limited release, sampled in 2011, aged since 2008. Pours a deep copper with a white fizzy head that dissipates instantly. Sweet malty aromas with fruit and caramel, but fades quickly. Tastes dry and fruity and overwhelmingly champagne-like in taste and mouthfeel. No hop character present. It has a one-dimensional sour tang and the malty sweetness I would have expected is not present. Maybe this one should have been opened a bit earlier as it did not age well.

AirForceHops (15935) - Epping, New Hampshire, USA - SEP 27, 2014
22 oz. bottle, 2012 vintage purchased at Georgios in Billerica, MA. Aroma is spot on for the style, prunes, raisin and sweet caramel, toffee.

Flavor is nice. Sweet without any booze, raisins, caramel dipped dates, sweet English malts, tones of yeast. The alcohol is not found at this point, the mouthfeel is lightly oily with a super sweet dried fruit finish. ABV is super smooth at this point, no oxidation found. Love how barely wines tastes at this point in the evolution. Solid sipper.

warhawk91 (302) - Newington, Connecticut, USA - JUN 26, 2014
2012 bomber. Pour is a deep crimson slightly hazy, with a thin off white head. Aroma is sweet with plum and fig, cherries, caramel, toffee, a hint of chocolate. Taste is big caramel and toffee with plum, brown sugar and faint hops. Boozy in the finish with some sweet malt lingering between sips. Decent barleywine, although perhaps a bit too sweet.

Headbanger (4589) - Aurora, Illinois, USA - MAY 1, 2014
22oz bottle ’11Vintage (Crown Liquors #15-Fishers)-40° in Snifter-Pours a dark brown with a small tan covering for a head. Aroma of dried fruits, caramel, toffee, and roasted malts. Taste of the same with more sweetness and toffee. This full bodied brew is well done and is well balanced.

Ajcanon711 (63) - - JAN 19, 2014
Aroma. Beer words. Heart burn. Big ole Barley Wine and it knows how to flaunt it. ---AJ's Approval

vlan1 (219) - Austin, Texas, USA - JAN 1, 2014
2012 Vintage bomber. Pours a dark toffee brown with about 2 fingers worth of head. Tastes of sweet malt a hint of coffee and mild hops. Smooth not sticky moutfeel. A very solid barley wine.

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