Daruma Masamune Vinters Choice Koshu Sake

Brewed by Shiraki Tsunesuke Shuten
Style: Saké - Koshu
Gifu Shi, Japan
Serve in Guinomi, Masu, Ochoko


on tap


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RATINGS: 15   MEAN: 4.03/5.0   WEIGHTED AVG: 3.81/5   EST. CALORIES: 510   ABV: 17%
Note: The description below is from an older year. This is still made, as a blend of several different aged vintages. The actual vintages combined will be different from those stated below.
Dramatic! This complex sake is blended from pure rice Sakes from 1972, 1982, 1984 and 1989 vintages. Its sweet aroma and full flavor come from the most carefully chosen and highest quality sake rice. Daruma Masamune is renowned for high quality, traditionally aged sake characteristics. SMV: -35

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BeerandBlues2 (20281) - Woodland Park, Colorado, USA - FEB 18, 2018
Bottle at home. Pours brilliantly clear and still brown. Rich Port, Sherry character, raisins and figs, dry rice and a sweet finish. Full body and still.

cgarvieuk (37747) - Edinburgh, SCOTLAND - OCT 29, 2017
Bottle at sakagura... Deep brown... Thin white lacing... Soft sweet umami mushroom nose... Soft sweet rice.. Rich sweet umami mushroom.. Soft mushroom

j12601 (14608) - Poughkeepsie, New York, USA - OCT 15, 2017
Bottle with everyone at Saka Gura. Pours a deep clear brown. Medium bodied, warm and full of umami, toast, old caramel, a touch of isopropyl. Long caramel into the finish.

bu11zeye (13702) - LUXEMBOURG - AUG 26, 2010
(Bottle, courtesy of BMan1113VR) Pours a clear amber body with excellent legs. Aroma of baked apple, molasses, rice milk, caramel, and brandy. Flavor of apple brandy, caramel, brown sugar, vanilla, and molasses. Excellent!

thirdeye11 (6162) - Dallas, Texas, USA - AUG 14, 2010
(Bottle thanks to bu11zeye via BMan1113VR) very sticky alcohol legs, rich medium brown in color and very viscous body. Nose of burnt rice, alcohol, maple, flan, caramel, marshmallow, complex and delicious. Taste of mild alcohol, toasty marshmallow, brown sugar, custard, cotton candy sweetness, complex, flavorful and huge duration. An amazing sake!

Sammer (1119) - Plano, Texas, USA - AUG 8, 2010
Bottle shared by bu11zeye. Have to agree with others, this is by far the best sake I have ever had (and I have traveled to Japan many times!!). Served at room temperature (not warmed). Whiskey colored pour. Nose is alcohol, vanilla and mixed fruits. Taste is straight up sake, but so smooth and as if someone infused it with light fruits, smoke and vanilla. Warm, but not overpowering finish. Simply excellent. Big thanks to bu11zeye for sharing this one.

Mora2000 (6156) - McKinney, Texas, USA - AUG 2, 2010
Bottle thanks to bullzeye. Yellow orange with a great aroma is rice, sugar, toffee and caramel. Smells different than all of the other sakes I have tried. The flavor is great with notes of brown sugar, alcohol, caramel and chocolate. An excellent sake. Easily the best I have tried.

beerguy101 (5360) - Newark, California, USA - JUL 21, 2010
Sampled on 7/18/2010. Big thanks Andrew. This Koshu sake pours a medium amber color. The aroma is wood, mushrooms, and a touch fruity. Nice legs. Very full bodied. Smokey and woody. Touch of sweetness. A lot of fruity, nuts and earthy qualities that seem to change very quickly from sip to sip. Very complex sake, wish I had a larger sample and more time to spend with this one. Very smooth tasting with a fairly noticeable alcohol bite, but in a good way.

LtDan (1808) - Los Angeles County, California, USA - JUL 21, 2010
Thanks Andrew. I’m not worthy! My first sake rating.

Appearance: Pours a brass/bourbon color.

Aroma: Fruity bourbon, burnt sugar and something insane like tar.

Taste: Caramel, rum and cooked raisin.

Mouthfeel: Thick.

Overall: With nothing to compare it to, I’ll say its great. Very complex, way more things going on than I can describe in text.

WeeHeavySD (3488) - Portland, Oregon, USA - JUL 19, 2010
Big thanks to Andrew, the sake king for the chance to try this epic 30+ year old sake. This tasted better and more interesting then any other Sake I’ve ever had or probably will ever have. Great looking bottle. Pours clearish amber. Nose was fantastic, not that I can describe it all that way. Nose is fantastic sweet, and light on the tongue. Complex flavors and no heat at all. Wow.

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