RATINGS: 550   WEIGHTED AVG: 3.8/5   EST. CALORIES: 312   ABV: 10.4%
Joint brew between Mikkeller of Copenhagen DK & 3Floyds Brewing Munster, IN U.S.A. Wheat wine

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dunklermessias (3064) - GERMANY - SEP 21, 2021
UPDATED: SEP 21, 2021 ReinheitsVERbot 2019. Cloudy amber color and a white head. Nice balance of heavy sweetness & hops.

davidezdonz (1910) - Hong Kong, HONG KONG - APR 16, 2020
UPDATED: APR 16, 2020 As Mikkeller x Three Floyds Hvedegoop. A 750ml bottle with a best before date of 9th April 2020 (drank before that date, I’m just behind in my reviews). Poured into a snifter glass. It was a hazy amber brown orange colour with a one finger beige head that had decent retention while leaving nice lacing. Aromas of sweet dark fruit, plum, prunes, fig, pineapple juice, caramel, honey, and a splash of lime. Tastes sweet and bitter, dark fruit, plum, prunes, fig, pineapple juice, caramel, honey, citrus rind, pine, herbal, oak, lime and a touch bready. Medium to full bodied with soft to moderate carbonation. Overall a nice enjoyable sipper with good balance between sweet and bitter.

superspak (9599) - Greensboro, North Carolina, USA - DEC 8, 2019
UPDATED: DEC 8, 2019 9400th review! 22 ounce bottle into snifter, bottled in 2008. Pours moderately hazy deep ruby red/orange/copper color with a 1 finger dense and rocky light khaki head with fantastic retention, that reduces to a small cap that lingers. Nice dense foamy lacing clings on the glass, with a fair amount of streaming carbonation. Fantastic appearance. Aromas of big raisin, plum, fig, date, pear, apricot, red apple, honey, caramel, brown sugar, brown bread dough/crust, and toasted biscuit; with lighter notes of cocoa, roast, leather, tobacco, herbal, wood, grass, peppercorn, and yeast/toasted earthiness. Damn nice aromas with good balance and complexity of fruity yeast, dark/bready malts, and light-moderate earthy hop notes; with big strength. Taste of big raisin, plum, fig, date, pear, apricot, red apple, honey, caramel, brown sugar, brown bread dough/crust, and toasted biscuit; with lighter notes of cocoa, roast, leather, tobacco, herbal, wood, grass, peppercorn, citrus peel/rind, pine, and yeast/toasted earthiness. Light-moderate pine, citrus peel/rind, herbal, woody, grassy, peppery, roasted bitterness on the finish. Lingering notes of raisin, plum, fig, date, pear, apricot, red apple, honey, caramel, brown sugar, brown bread dough/crust, toasted biscuit, nuts, cocoa, roast, leather, tobacco, herbal, wood, grass, peppercorn, citrus peel/rind, pine, and yeast/toasted earthiness on the finish for a while. Great complexity, robustness, and balance of fruity yeast, dark/bready malts, and light-moderate earthy hop flavors; with a great malt/bitterness balance, and no cloying/astringent flavors after the finish. Lightly increasing dryness from lingering bitterness. Medium carbonation and medium-full body; with a smooth, creamy/bready/grainy/sticky/resinous, and lightly slick/chalky mouthfeel that is great. Mild increasing warmth of 10.4% after the finish. Overall this is an excellent wheatwine. All around great complexity, robustness, and balance of fruity yeast, dark/bready malts, and light-moderate earthy hop flavors; very smooth and easy to sip on for the big ABV, with the modestly bitter/resinous/drying finish; not overly aggressive. Feels like a lot of Chinook/Columbus hops. Great balance of rich malts and fruity yeast complexity; with a great dank/earthy hop presence/balance. Light residual sweetness with lingering resin dryness. A very enjoyable offering, and well made style example as expected of the breweries. Definitely some noticeable oxidation, but not overwhelming. Aged just as well as any American style barleywine should.

Beese (17212) - Tooting, London, Greater London, ENGLAND - OCT 1, 2019
UPDATED: OCT 1, 2019 Bottle share at We Brought Beer, Balham. Lightly hazy deep amber. Caramel, fennel, toffee and tinned fruit aroma. Very much butterscotch and scunked hop flavour.

simontomlinson (6632) - Lancashire, ENGLAND - DEC 27, 2018
UPDATED: DEC 27, 2018 Thin off white head. Over stewed fruit & oaky aroma. High alcohol presence, honey, over stewed fruit & caramel tastes. Very nice

anstei (3818) - SWITZERLAND - NOV 18, 2018
Bottle. Pours clear dark amber. Aroma is rubber in the sun, plastic. Body is heavy, strong and boozy, some more plastics, but muuuuch lower. Low carbonation, but feels a bit simple. Underwhelming, given the reputation.

danielyabu (2634) - União da Vitória, BRAZIL - OCT 1, 2018
Average frothy light-brown head. Good lacing. Mostly diminishing. Hazy dark-amber body. Aroma: moderate malt, dark bread, caramel, moderate hoppy, passion fruit. Initial flavor: moderate sweet light bitter. Final flavor: moderate sweet bitter; long duration. Palate: medium body, creamy texture, lively carbonation and metallic moderate alcoholic finish. dulçor bem maltado (caramelo), permeado por amargor lupulado, com caráter de pinho e frutas citricas. Lúpulo condimentado. Leve Lembrança de frutas secas no paladar, como previsto nas BJCP. O amargor escalante de lúpulo acaba roubando a cena e prejudicando outras nuances, prejudicando o equilíbrio que deveria ser maltado ou neutro, o que surge como defeito. Me lembrou as outras duas variedades da série “goop”, com o mesmo amargor sobrepujante. Leve final remetendo a vinho cabernet aparece após o amargor final desaparecer do paladar. Paladar traz a presença de maracujá a partir da segunda taça, aumentando sua complexidade. Não esconde o álcool, mas o sabor não é prejudicado pelo teor alcoólico. 110 s

Trolleo (6895) - Manchester, Greater Manchester, ENGLAND - SEP 13, 2018
Malty, caramely aroma with some alcohol and biscuits. Cloudy amber color with floaters and small to medium sized tan head. Heavy sugar and heavy bitterness but extremely unbalanced. Some floral hops and toffee, burnt bread and caramel, fruity, raisin, plum and grapes. Medium body, soft to average carbonation, some alcohol warming. Not bad but really, really hard to drink. Even better, I don't know who could drink 0.75l of it, I'm having trouble drinking 0.15. Would not want to repeat. //bottle from Vrutak

msbernac (4237) - Krakow, POLAND - MAR 3, 2018
Bottle Aroma-tropical fruits, dark fruits, honey Appearance-dark amber, hazy, tan foam, Taste-medium bitterness, medium sweetness, lightly sour, Palate-full body, oily feel, lively, long finish, Overall-very good

dorain (2486) - Berlin, GERMANY - JAN 20, 2018
Aus der Flasche (bbe 06-09-2017) im 2016-01 getrunken. Da freut man sich auf ein schönes Barley Wine und dann das… Ok es ist ein Barley Wine aber eins im Amerikanischen Stil mit viel zu viel Hopfen. In der Nase ist alles noch verträglich. Aber am Gaumen - Igitt was für ein böses Hopfenmonster. Nein diese Hopfenbitterkeit kriege ich nicht runter - ab in den Ausguß. Sehr schade!

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