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Death by Horse
By erway

Black as that whore’s soul. Wh
21 lbs. Marris Otter
1.25 lbs. Brittish Chocolate
1.5 lbs. Roasted Barley
12 oz. Crystal 20L
6 oz. Crystal 155L
6 oz. Melanoidin
6 oz. Franco-Belges Coffee malt

2.5 oz. Columbus 90 min.
1 tablet Whirlflock 20 min.
2 oz. Chinook, 2 oz. Columbus k.o.

Yeast cake of Pacman.
Single Infusion @ 152 with hard water (ie. add gypsum if your water is soft.)

Collect enough wort to do a 6 hour boil (could be as much as 12 gallons) If you do not have a big enough pot, you will need to do 2 seperate boils (one on the stove, one on the propane burner?)

Once you get down to 7 gallons total (combine them back together once they will fit into 2 pots), start the 90 min. countdown and add your first hops.

Once the boil is done, cool to 58 and pitch the entire yeastcake. Attach a blowoff tube and keep outside temperatures to 60 or below. This will make the fermentation reach upwards of 66F. After one week, move the fermenter to a space at 70F to eat up any diacetyl and leave it there for 2 weeks, allowing the yeast to eat up any extra sugars as well.

Transfer to secondary, add a packet of Nottingham and let sit at 68 for 2 weeks and then crash to 32 for 2 months. Bottle with a packet of Nottingham and .76 oz. dextrose/finished gallon of beer. Let the bottles condition at 72 for 6 weeks. Sample and see where the CO2 is at.

Enjoy it.

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