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Welcome to Ratebeer

Highlights of a First Year @ Ratebeer
Craft Beer Introduction August 27, 2003      
Written by presario

Stampede City, CANADA -

My one-year anniversary at RateBeer
was two weeks ago and I wanted to thank those responsible for this web site for
doing such a fantastic job and I wanted to do more than a forum post.<span
style="mso-spacerun: yes">  </span>In thinking about what I would say I thought
that it might make an interesting insight to new raters or those surfing the
net that stop here.<span style="mso-spacerun: yes">  </span>

<p class=MsoNormal style=’text-align:justify’><![if !supportEmptyParas]> <![endif]><o:p></o:p>

<p class=MsoNormal style=’text-align:justify’>My first month at RateBeer I
rated 5 beers.<span style="mso-spacerun: yes">  </span>This month I have rated
over 45 with two shipments yet to come in from Ontario.<span
style="mso-spacerun: yes">  </span>I did not make notes before joining this
site so I did not have a supply of ratings to start with.<span
style="mso-spacerun: yes">  </span>I decided not to rate any beers that I had
had before I joined even if they stood out in my memory.<span
style="mso-spacerun: yes">  </span>

<p class=MsoNormal style=’text-align:justify’><![if !supportEmptyParas]> <![endif]><o:p></o:p>

<p class=MsoNormal style=’text-align:justify’>Ever since I started drinking the
beverage of the gods I enjoyed the immense variety of beer.<span
style="mso-spacerun: yes">  </span>I could not buy the same beer if a new
brewery or an East German (remember them) beer was available.<span
style="mso-spacerun: yes">  </span>Who knew it would eventually lead to this.

<p class=MsoNormal style=’text-align:justify’><![if !supportEmptyParas]> <![endif]><o:p></o:p>

<p class=MsoNormal style=’text-align:justify’>After a little over a year and
320 ratings I still prefer a pint as the perfect sample.<span
style="mso-spacerun: yes">  </span>There are a few beers drain pours that would
be exceptions but the pint was made for beer.<span style="mso-spacerun: yes"> 
</span>I started out rating beers as I could find them.<span
style="mso-spacerun: yes">  </span>This led me to find better beer stores.<span
style="mso-spacerun: yes">  </span>This led me to great discussions for some
store staff and great disdain for others.<span style="mso-spacerun: yes"> 
</span>In Calgary I found Kensington Wine Market, Eau Claire Wine Market and
Royal Liquor on 17<sup>th</sup> Avenue SW to be above average.

<p class=MsoNormal style=’text-align:justify’><![if !supportEmptyParas]> <![endif]><o:p></o:p>

<p class=MsoNormal style=’text-align:justify’>When I would go out for a beer it
could not be to the bar or pub with Molson, Labatts and possibly Big Rock.<span
style="mso-spacerun: yes">  </span>It had to be a new place, or a place with a
distinguished tap like Limericks with 60 beers on tap.

<p class=MsoNormal style=’text-align:justify’><![if !supportEmptyParas]> <![endif]><o:p></o:p>

<p class=MsoNormal style=’text-align:justify’>The next increase came courtesy
of Mr. Kimchee.<span style="mso-spacerun: yes">  </span>Kimchee approached me
about a trade, Alberta to Ontario.<span style="mso-spacerun: yes"> 
</span>Canada Post did not seem to mind helping us exchange our Christmas packages.<span
style="mso-spacerun: yes">  </span>A second trade of another 12 beers each
followed in the spring and when my brother went to Toronto this week I had to
send some beer with him for Kimchee.<span style="mso-spacerun: yes"> 
</span>Now I am trading with Jercraigs.<span style="mso-spacerun: yes"> 
</span>I did not even know these people a year ago and now we are mailing each
other beer.

<p class=MsoNormal style=’text-align:justify’><![if !supportEmptyParas]> <![endif]><o:p></o:p>

<p class=MsoNormal style=’text-align:justify’>To celebrate a year at RateBeer
Tipsy_McStager, TimE and another beer lover who hoards his ratings offline got
together with a selection of 4 beers each for a tasting.<span
style="mso-spacerun: yes">  </span>An enjoyable four hours included discussions
about what is a Porter and what is a Spingo.<span style="mso-spacerun: yes"> 
</span>Dogfish Head 90 Minute won the night.<span style="mso-spacerun: yes"> 
</span>There were disappointments such as a Bridgeport Porter.<span
style="mso-spacerun: yes">  </span>In between there were selections from
Redhook, Elgood, Mad River, Yakima, Mendocino, Casta, Speakeasy and Blue Anchor.<span
style="mso-spacerun: yes">  </span>Before RateBeer I had never met TimE or the
hoarder and now we were drinking through the night.

<p class=MsoNormal style=’text-align:justify’><![if !supportEmptyParas]> <![endif]><o:p></o:p>

<p class=MsoNormal style=’text-align:justify’>Like many at this site I rate new
beers when I drink them at a pub.<span style="mso-spacerun: yes">  </span>I had
business this week in Canmore, an hour out of Calgary.<span
style="mso-spacerun: yes">  </span>A beautiful drive towards the Rockies also
meant I could visit the Grizzly Paw Brewing Company for the first time.<span
style="mso-spacerun: yes">  </span>Normally I would have gone in for a
pint.<span style="mso-spacerun: yes">  </span>This time I spoke to a waitress
about their beers before being seated.<span style="mso-spacerun: yes"> 
</span>I found out about the accident last week that caused them to lose the
entire production of Rutting Elk Red.<span style="mso-spacerun: yes"> 
</span>Instead of a pint I ordered the full flight sample of 6 of their
beers.<span style="mso-spacerun: yes">  </span>I had never had a sampler tray
of beer before.<span style="mso-spacerun: yes">  </span>

<p class=MsoNormal style=’text-align:justify’><![if !supportEmptyParas]> <![endif]><o:p></o:p>

<p class=MsoNormal style=’text-align:justify’>Whilst I was taking my notes
three different waitresses stopped to ask what I was doing.<span
style="mso-spacerun: yes">  </span>A great pickup idea for those who are not
attached, perhaps.<span style="mso-spacerun: yes">  </span>One of the
waitresses brought out the brewer to spend some time with me to discuss their
beers, their styles and recent tastings he had had from the Pacific Northwest.

<p class=MsoNormal style=’text-align:justify’><![if !supportEmptyParas]> <![endif]><o:p></o:p>

<p class=MsoNormal style=’text-align:justify’>Before I could enter my ratings online
I had to add the brewery, and then each beer.<span style="mso-spacerun: yes"> 
</span>Thanks to RateBeer this is an easy process.<span style="mso-spacerun:
yes">  </span>In my first year as a pioneer in Alberta I have added at least
three breweries and over a dozen new beers to the site.<span
style="mso-spacerun: yes">  </span>I normally send an email to the brewery when
I add them and sometimes even get a response back.

<p class=MsoNormal style=’text-align:justify’><![if !supportEmptyParas]> <![endif]><o:p></o:p>

<p class=MsoNormal style=’text-align:justify’>I started keeping ratings on this
site to keep track of what I had to drink and what I liked.<span
style="mso-spacerun: yes">  </span>I have found so much more in fellow
RateBeerians and finding new locations.<span style="mso-spacerun: yes"> 
</span>RateBeer has licensed me to open up conversations with brewers and
coworkers and even teetotalers about beer of all things.<span
style="mso-spacerun: yes">  </span>I have found many styles I did not know
existed.<span style="mso-spacerun: yes">  </span>I keep track of new Alberta
raters and send them a welcome email and track their progress and what they
have found to drink.<span style="mso-spacerun: yes">  </span>If I could get
TimE and the hoarder to enter their ratings Alberta would look pretty good on
the average rating per member stat.

<p class=MsoNormal style=’text-align:justify’><![if !supportEmptyParas]> <![endif]><o:p></o:p>

<p class=MsoNormal style=’text-align:justify’>I took out my Premium Membership
the first week it was offered.<span style="mso-spacerun: yes">  </span>I bought
a RateBeer.com bottle opener and my golf shirt and ball cap arrived in the mail
today!<span style="mso-spacerun: yes">  </span>Hi, my name is Presario and I’m



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start quote I keep track of new Alberta raters and send them a welcome email and track their progress and what they have found to drink end quote