Borefts Beer Festival 2015


Festival in and around Brouwerij de Molen held for the 7th time this year. Expect the best brewers and loads of surprises but always great beer and great people.

Cost: €20,00 (incl. 6 tokens)


[email protected]


cgarvieuk 9/9/2015
this is a list of countries i need if anyone i know can help with contries ALSO here a sheet with the known beer list
tlahav 9/5/2015
Coming!. Interested in small IP trades. Can bring Israeli/Palestinian beers (same as DSG but fresher lol ), Irish craft or founders special beers (KBS,stickee m.,sucaba). Looking also for one good trade for the known Irish whale 200 fa
DSG 8/22/2015
Anyone interested in a trade? I have Israeli and Palestinian beers FT. Also, Georgia, Jordan & Ethiopia country ticks. Other than Borefts, I’m attending Zwanze in Brussels, Pre-Borefts tasting and BAF.
MotherBrother 8/16/2015
If you’re up for an IP trade, and wouldn’t mind taking home a bottle of Last Snow porter from Funky Buddha, feel free to shoot me bm..
Zwiebel88 8/3/2015
Anyone up for a trade? Got Sucaba and Parabola 2015 and would be interested in other big Imperial Stouts and/or Barley Wines :)
MrHangover 7/10/2015
IP welcome. FT: Founders KBS, Hangar 24 Pugachev Cobra, Cantillon Fou Foune and others. Let me know.
Dedollewaitor 6/20/2015
IP Welcome!
andrejes 6/2/2015
Yes will be there 2 days :) :), anone up for a trade?? Have some bottles Framboos 2014 to trade! Just send me a offer.
Tsekouratos 5/28/2015
Once more, it’s gonna be a hell of a festival!!! Anyone up for some trades?? locals or rare ones, fine by me!!
digita7693 5/26/2015
I will be there once again, always up for some trades. cheers
Zer0 5/11/2015
I believe you mean Bodegraven instead of Delft ;).

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