Import hads/ratings from BeerAdvocate?

Reads 3135 • Replies 13 • Started Thursday, December 18, 2014 8:03:37 PM CT

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22:47 Sat 12/20/2014

Originally posted by StefanSD
More fun to drink them all again, no?

Well, I’d rather not waste it on stuff I didn’t like before when I could instead get something new or known-good, right? :-)

Currently I’m having trouble logging in on my phone (sent feedback). Access from my phone is pretty important when I’m shopping or in a restaurant, so with luck that’s easily fixed. In answer to another question, I expect to mostly rate beers, not places -- I don’t go to a lot of places. But I live in Pennsylvania, where (for the most part) you have to buy beer by the case (!), so I and some friends get together to do a "beer co-op" from time to time to generate mixed cases for all of us. That produces a pretty steady stream of new-to-me beer, hence the desire to keep track of it all.

beers 15582 º places 1059 º 07:50 Tue 1/13/2015

I pasted and copied over 1200 reviews from BA when I ’came out’.


beers 2900 º places 125 º 10:30 Tue 1/13/2015
