
Amager Dean Moriarty's Dubious Morals

Amager Bryghus
Kastrup, Denmark
Ref: Jun2024

Common descriptors are
Danish: En hårdtlevende, hurtigtkørende, pillegnaskende scorekarl - på mange måder var Dean Moriarty en mand af tvivlsom moral. Men han var også vores helt. Som mange vil vide, så har vi her på Amager Bryghus længe efterstræbt at blive accepteret som fuldblods hipstere. Nogle påstår, at vi har haft begrænset succes med dette. Det er vi nu ikke så sikre på, men ikke desto mindre har vi for en stund søgt tilbage til gamle beatnik-helte. Og jo, det er sandt, at meget i livet for Dean handlede om f…. og bebop. Men det handlede også om øl. Og selv om det har været en hemmelighed i mange år, så kan vi nu afsløre, at Deans favoritøl var en barley wine. Den her er til dig Dean.

English: A hard-living, fast-driving, pill-popping womanizer - in many ways Dean Moriarty was a man of dubious morals. But he was also our hero. As many will know we - the Amager crew - have been working hard to adhere to a hipster kinda lifestyle. Some claim we haven’t been very successful. Well, we don’t know about that, but nevertheless we have returned to our old beatnik heros - at least for a while. And yes, it is true: it was all about the p…. and bebop for Dean. But it was also about the beer. And although a secret for many years we can now reveal that Dean’s beer of choice was a barley wine. This one is for you Dean.

Brygget af: Vand, Malt: Pilsner, Munich, Cara-Munich, Crystal, Wheat, Cara-Aroma, Demerara sukker, Humle. Tomahawk, Amarillo, Gær: US-ale

Månedens fadøl februar 2014.