trial 303


YCH 303 Trial is a creation of the imagination come to life. Our mad scientists here at YCH have schemed with Phantasm NZ to unleash a powerful, paranormal flavor upon us all. ?? YCH 303 Trial is a combination of concentrated lupulin from our Cryo Hops® process and Phantasm that has been blended to create one co-pelleted hop product. The blend of hop varieties include Citra®, Simcoe® and Mosaic® brand hops. This co-pelleted product was designed to leverage the high degree of “survivable” compounds presented in both Cryo Hops® brand pellets and Phantasm and synergize the aroma benefits of these two powerful products in one dose. Via the research done by both Yakima Chief Hops and Phantasm, our teams believe we’ve created a highly-effective 

last edited by fiulijn 10/8/2022