RATINGS: 23   MEAN: 3.83/5.0   WEIGHTED AVG: 3.6/5   SEASONAL: Winter   EST. CALORIES: 255   ABV: 8.5%
Doppelbock (dop-el-bok) -- Dark and rich with a big beer taste, Doppelbock is our traditional holiday brew. The Great American Beer Festival awarded ita Silver Medal in 1994 and a Gold Medal in 1995 in its bock beer category. Its exceptionally smooth, full-bodied character is sure to brighten your spirits. Like all DeGroen's beers, Doppelbock is brewed with the finest, all natural ingredients and strict adherence to the Reinheitsgebot, the Bavarian Purity Law of 1516.

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Cletus (6349) - Connecticut, USA - DEC 27, 2011
Bottle. Pours mahogany with some protein globules and a tan head. Smells of rich roasty malt, some light spicy undertones, some fruity hints. Tastes of chocolate, spicy, caramel, breaddy, some vegetal hints creep in on the finish.

ApisAles (1575) - Greenbelt, Maryland, USA - FEB 3, 2009
I had a Fordham Doppelbock and am not sure if DeGroens is an inset of Fordham or what. This was a very solid Doppelbock. Basically one big malt bomb. I’ll agree with the previous rater that this isn’t going to replace a Celebrator but it is a solid tasty malty beer. Very nice.

Goodgrief (2860) - Middletown, Delaware, USA - JAN 20, 2008
March 2006 - For a dopplebock from Maryland, this isn’t half bad. Beer poured very dark brown with reddish highlights, a smallish head with some decent lacing. Flavor was caramel and roasty malts...sweet, but not overly so. A little hops balanced out the flavor, but mouthfeel a little thin. This isn’t going to full you into thinking it’s Celebrator or Maximator, but this is definitely better than other local attempts (*cough* Troegenator *cough*) I’ve had.

hopdog (25009) - Lansdale, Pennsylvania, USA - MAR 31, 2007
12oz bottle acquired in trade with bstill (thanks!). Poured a deeper mahogany color wtih a smaller sized off white head. Aromas of toasted nuts, bready and caramel. Tastes of caramel, nuts, brown sugar, cookie dough, and some dark fruits. Light to medium alcohol finish.

User37895 (3085) - - JUN 11, 2006
Poured a brown color (some reddish edges) with a generous head that laced well. The aroma was most strongly of caramel, some bread, some nuts, and spices. Alcohol was also strong and readily detectable. Flavor was as busy as the aroma, but again the alcohol was too prominent and squashed an otherwise decent take on the style. Finish did not have enough hops to keep this thing honest. Mouthfeel was sticky sweet, somewhat syrup-like.

CaptainCougar (7131) - Columbia, Maryland, USA - MAR 27, 2006
Pours a transparent dark copper mahogany with a short-lived off-white head. Rich, toasty caramel malty, cookie dough aroma has a nice authentic German doppelbock character. Body starts with a sweet, viscous caramel sugar cookie flavor, with some earthy noble hoppy bitterness, mild metallic character and a drier, lingering warming finish. Overall, very authentic and well-made. Thanks to StewardofGondor for the chance to try this!

StewardofGondor (1933) - Washington Heights - Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA - MAR 14, 2006
Deep, translucent and ruby/garnet in color with a pillowy tan head that evaporates to a thin pond with a thicker wrung around the edges. Aroma is a moderate delicacy - chocolate hazelnuts and mocha amaretto. Deep, woodsy, and a bark-like earthen nuttiness. Some wafts of whole wheat chocolate dinner rolls, cocoa powder and toasted oak. Maple meets mildew, and brown sugar stirred in molasses reach the nose at the break of each sip. Big flavor bill to fill. Vibrantly thick substance oozes in while dusty milk chocolate and snapped pecan shells impart that nutty dimension. Toffee bar, Heath transcendence with a noble hop boost that projects a slightly noticeable alcohol presence. Thick and massive on the palate, churning as one fluid force, and quite oily at that. Vibrantly jovial and eager at the edges, but all the balance contributors seem to be acting according to plan. Chocolate encapsulated caramel chews, greasy mocha beans and a raw tree bark character enrich the ending, pursued by profoundly rich reverberations that ring long into the night. Big thanks to Bstill for the bottle!

egajdzis (9974) - Pennsburg, Pennsylvania, USA - DEC 31, 2005
Poured a reddish amber color with a medium sized, creamy, off white head that left light lacing on the glass. Aroma of caramel malts, roast, cereal, smoke and light citrus hoppiness as well. Caramel, toasted malt, earth, roast and light alcohol in the finish. Creamy mouthfeel.

Crash (532) - Macomb, Illinois, USA - FEB 1, 2005
Another selection from the GABF. I was in search for all the dopplebocks I could get my hands on. Dark color with good head and lacing. A sweet malty carmel taste that was very smooth. An extremely good tasting beer.

scraff (2125) - Baltimore, Maryland, USA - MAR 15, 2004
Deep copper and browns with a fluffy tan head. Lot of dark fruit, brown sugar, caramel, and fresh baked bread. Rich, without being overly sweet. This batch didn't show any of the ABV. On tap at Degroens, declared as 9% if I recall. Medium to full bodied, nice soft carbonation. Quite smooth and drinkable. Worth a try if in Charm City.

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