garthicus' Trade History
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Beer Cellar Trade History   Leave Feedback
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Oct 2013 bierkoning A package of 9 well chosen Irish and Northern Irish beers hit my doorstep. Good communication throughout the process, which took a little more time as expected. But who cares when the result is that good.
Jan 2010 blutt59 In our second trade Al sent me a bunch from Canada including Denisons Weiss, Super Bock(new country), 2 Black Oak, Mill Street and some others, well packed, thanks Al
Jul 2009 blutt59 Al sent me an Orientale and two great extras, Hardys and Peche Mortel, good well packed box, easy trade, looking forward to the next one
May 2009 IrishBoy Al sent a Duff Beer Pils, Alexander keiths Premium White, Hockley Dark, Wellington Trailhead Premium Lager, two Rickard’s White, a and a minature of Reif Estate Vidal Icewine, and a three pack of Trafalgars: The Black Bullet, Critical Mass, and Korruptor. All expertly double boxed! Thanks again Al.
Jul 2008 IrishBoy Al sent a Kenyan Guiness Foreign Extra Stout, Sinha Stout, Ohara’s Celtic Stout, McCardles Traditional Ale, and a White Cap Lager; so 2 Kenyan, 2 irish, and one Sri Lankan beer. What a haul! All in a styro shipper! Thanks Al!
Nov 2007 IrishBoy Al sent a 500ml of Porterhouse Celebration Stout, a Bushys Premium Manx Ale (I will be the first US rater) Tusker Lager and Premium Lager from Kenya, and a Serengeti Premium Lager from Tanzania! Two new countries! Thanks a bunch Al!!!