brewandbbq's Trade History
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May 2011 5000 Looks like one year later Jeff and I completed another trade, lots of Northeastern Goodness (too much to list), with some 99 Sonoran Barleywine and 99 Mount St Helena Imperial Stout thrown in (those should be interesting). Plus looks like some homebrewed IIPA from different batches. As always, thanks a ton Jeff!!!
Mar 2009 5000 Looks like Jeff is on his way to building a nice trading profile. I think this is our 3rd or 4th trade. Always a pleasure Jeff! This time around getting some Founders Double Trouble, Kentucky Breakfast (oh boy!), Sculpin IPA, Portsmouth Flanders Red and a friggen SLOTH! Thats right, a SLOTH. Very happy to have that. Much appreciated Jeff. Your return box will be goin
Feb 2009 WeeHeavySD Another excellent trade with Jeff. Bomber of Portsmouth Flanders Red!, 2 bottles of Smuttynose’s new Quad, Really Old Brown Dog, bonuses a Bomber of Cadillac Mountain Stout, and a 12oz trip. Great packaging and easy easy communication, thanks Jeff and keep the sours coming!
Nov 2008 goryshkewych Jeff sent me some really interesting beers from NH, the highlights of which were a growler of Milly’s Scotch, Milly’s Lambic and Milly’s Death March Imperial Stout. Thanks again.
Nov 2008 WeeHeavySD Easy 2nd Trade with Jeff. Sent me an awesome big flip top growler of Millys Tavern Belgium Lambic, and throws in a Smuttynose Big A IPA. Great Packing , easy communication.
Sep 2008 5000 So I was going to post a trade delivery thanking Jeff for a Captain Lawrence Smoke from the Oak Rum trade but then I started thinking.... its a great beer, but he did one thing that really got me. So, on top of sending the aformentioned Captain Lawrence, he tosses in a 1996 Kulmbacher Eisbock. Yes, a 1996. HOLY PISS! Who does that?!?! Apparently Jeff does. WOW! I owe you
Sep 2008 WeeHeavySD Easy Trade with Jeff. He sent Ithaca White gold, and a 2007 Vintage Kunhenn Fourth Dementia, an all time favorite. Bonused a 96 vintage kulbacher eisbock (nice) and a handbottle of Redhook BlackJack. thanks for the quick and easy trade jeff.
Aug 2008 5000 Finished up another trade with Jeff, and certainly not the last. I was stoked to open the box and see a beer I have been wanting for so long, Midnight Sun Imperial Chocolate Pumpkin Porter. I also received Stone Coast 1620, Portsmouth Imperial IPA & Oatmeal Stout, and freebies of Smutty IPA and Bar Harbor Cadillac Stout. Always a professional. Thanks Jeff! Looking forward to the next one.
May 2008 Beerlando Wow! Jeff hooked me up with the requested Portsmouth Sour Brune, and I left the rest of the box up to him. How about these for surprises: Sly Fox Odyssey, Castlesprings Ye Olde Chucklehead, Milly’s Tavern Tennessee TNT, Red Brick Barleywine, 1998 Bigfoot, 1996 Kulmbacher Eisbock! Holy cow man, I’m gonna have a hard time matching that....but I’ll try. Cheers to a great trader!
May 2008 ironchefscott 2 handbottles of kate the great...6 pack of smuttynose IPA about 2 weeks from bottling:) and about 3 extras that escape me at the moment! great packaging....

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