beastiefan2k's Trade History
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Beer Cellar Trade History   Leave Feedback
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Dec 2018 douglas88 Eugene comes through big time with my desire for the new Thomas Hardy. He ends up sending two versions and a bunch of other great locals. Thanks man!
Jan 2016 sloth I sent Eugene some old ass Kaiser cuz he was lookin for vintage poop. I didnt need any thing in return but he thought differently and dropped some Epic,Snipes Mountain and Black Raven BC stuffs on my sorry ass. Righteous bro. Thanks man! Good deal!
Jul 2015 MartinVanBeer Great trade with Eugene. He did a fantastic job picking out some sour beers for me. Great packaging and really generous.
Mar 2015 RobertDale Nice trade with Eugene. In the past we could have done this in person, but no, Eugene had to move. Excellent trader who knows his stuff. Anytime.
Feb 2014 RamyG4 Small trade with Eugene, sent me a very nice trio of beers for some Boat Beer cans, thanks!
May 2013 foppa78 Quick and easy in person 1 for 1 growler swap with Eugene. He brought me a Free State Smoke on the wheat. Thanks! Very excited to try this.
Aug 2012 IrishBoy I had tried trading Eugene for a Heavyweight BA Old Salty. Later he asked for my address and sent the HW BAOS along with two other locals and a homebrew bottle. Thanks to a great trader for the awesome "gift" as he called it. Now I have to find a way to "gift" him back.
Jun 2012 yobdoog Eugene. Rocks. Didn’t even want anything in return, I’ll get you back :) Shipped me a Tallgrass assortment of cans, multiples of the 8-bit I wanted and threw in a pepper beer and and a homebrewed pyro! Love pepper beers.
May 2012 ygtbsm94 Eugene comes through with flying colors. I acquired a bottle of Scotch form a person who couldn’t ship. But snap, Eugene took delivery of the bottle and had it promptly shipped.Then surprise, four other bottles of beer mysteriously appeared with the Scotch. What a stand-up guy; can’t get any better than this from a fellow Ratebeerian! Thanks Eugene for all the leg work. “Beer is Good Food”
Nov 2011 bauermj A huge thanks to Eugene for an incredibly generous box w/ a cool pint glass and some locals I have yet to try. I’d be happy to trade again any time. Great communication and packaging. Thanks again!

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