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beers 7379 º places 493 º 09:58 Tue 11/7/2017

So I'm heading to Orlando Beer Festival this Saturday at Festival Park info below

Since I'm still new to area figured be a good way to try a bunch of local breweries. However while checking out beer list there is a bunch of brand new breweries who either just opened or are in process of opening that weren't in our database yet. So I've added 9 new local breweries and another brewery pouring was in our database but had no beers or ratings as of yet.

Here's list of breweries that will be there that none of you have rated:

Rockpit Brewing
Suncreek Brewery
Ellipsis Brewing
American Craft Aleworks
Toll Road Brewing
Bombardment Brewing Company
Dees Brothers
Hops Boss
Sanford Brewing
Castle Church

anyways just giving heads up in case anyone cares