Dolni Biezany Beer Guide: Your Dolni Biezany guide to beer, beer bars, breweries and brewpubs

Latest reviews from Dolni Biezany

64 /100 ZA RADNICÍ 739
“Visited 23.11.23. Thanks to Marko for his description on ratebeer. I took the same route as him. I could buy the ticket for bus 333 on board the bus. A modern looking restaurant in a restored old building. Food was of the solid Czech style, and they also have vegetarian options. They seem to have 13 beers rotating, of which 4 would be on at each time. Efficient service. The food and beer menues are available in English.“
Holmen2 202 days ago
70 /100 ZA RADNICÍ 739
“It's a bit strange that this brewpub, which will celebrate its 7th anniversary this year, had went unexplored by the wider RB populace, but the sheer inconvenience of having to catch the 333 bus from Kačerov to Dolní Břežany (město is fine, go towards the roundabout and then the chapel/chateau, circle it and you'll be there) was probably the cause, alone with the less then stellar ratings of the beers when they showed up elsewhere, but that made the visit all the more exciting for me. Dolní Břežany, a tiny town / big village just outside of Prague city limits was known for its Celtic ruins, a "chateau" with a chapel (now a fancy hotel run by clergy which didn't survive COVID-19 times) has developed itself quite rapidly since it basically became the home for Czechia's laser technology R&D. They have used the money to gentrify the place quite a bit - the bus station are fancier than any in Prague, modern apartment buildings surround the main square... there is a sculpture festival and modern sculptures can be found all around - all that mixed with fancy older buildings like the castle/chapel, slightly less than fancy but well maintained older houses, even some smaller panelák-style buildings in the background. All in all, a fascinating place. And then there's the brewpub, between the "chateau" and the laser research buildings, in what looks to be a long older but renovated building with plenty of parking. A modern affair, greets you immediately by the equipment to the right and a 2-floor (but open space) restaurant to the right. Calming grey-browns mostly. The taplist shows all their beers, with the prices listed by those they had on tap - which were 4 - their classic 10° and 12°, their IPA and their bock. The lagers were in good shape, quite chuggable, especially the 12°, and their bock was just excellent, while the IPA was okayish, if in need of some tweaking. The service are pros, quick and efficient. Had their pork tenderloid w/bacon, brussel sprouts and demi-glace along with some potatoes, tasty - bit more appearance-driven than hefty, but I'm not about to complain. So, keeps itself a bit upscale with food I guess, but the beer prices are good, especially for 0.5l, are very good for 2022's wider Prague area standards - (39 & 45 for the 10° and 12°, 59 for the bock, 49 for 0.4l of the IPA). They are very much into beer to go, even filling up party kegs - and locals were keen on getting those. All in all, quite a good brewpub!“
Marko 835 days ago
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