RATINGS: 1621   WEIGHTED AVG: 3.52/5   EST. CALORIES: 147   ABV: 4.9%
Samuel Adams® Cream Stout is a true cream stout, balancing body and sweetness with the natural spiciness of grain and hand selected English hops. Our Brewers use generous portions of roasted chocolate and caramel malts as well as unroasted barley to impart a fullness of body, a roasty malt character and rich, creamy head. Its dark mahogany color make it almost as easy on the eyes as it is on the palate.

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Haleale (76) - Fish Hoek, SOUTH AFRICA - APR 30, 2020
UPDATED: APR 30, 2020 Pours a solid black colour and the head dissipates slowly leaving a solid lacing around the glass. Has a mild smell of coffee and chocolate. The initial taste is creaminess but that is followed by bitter coffee and chocolate. As for mouthfeel, creamy mouth coating and is not overly thick,

Beese (17480) - Tooting, London, Greater London, ENGLAND - MAR 9, 2020
UPDATED: MAR 9, 2020 12oz bottle at The Bier Stein, Eugene, OR on 10/06/2008. Not sure why I got this, considering my usual aversion to cream stouts, but this wasn’t overly sweet and was actually pretty pleasant.

edwinlg (1) - - FEB 27, 2020 does not count
UPDATED: FEB 27, 2020 Exelente cerveza notas a chocolate muy buena stout, perdida de luz en vaso como debe de ser.

KCWarrior (31) - Kansas, USA - DEC 27, 2019
UPDATED: DEC 27, 2019 A good stout beer with slight hints of sweet chocolate and roasted coffee. Best when served in a frosted glass.

HopsCommander95 (2) - - DEC 5, 2019 does not count
UPDATED: DEC 5, 2019 Pours a solid black 'stout' color into a glass, and eventually leaves a moderate lacing. There is only a feint smell of chocolate and coffee, but no shortage of taste. Initially a sweeter milk flavor with a bitter malty coffee and chocolate finish. More bitter than one would normally expect from a milk stout, but still very good nonetheless. Overall a very solid stout and very flavorful for a mere 4.9% ABV. Pairs well with cheese and crackers.

pdog555 (2001) - Connecticut, USA - NOV 19, 2019
UPDATED: NOV 19, 2019 Pours black with a two finger creme head. Aroma of sweet toffee, creamy malt. Taste has sweet malt, little bit of caramel, toffee notes. Palate has brown sugar, caramel lingering on the tongue and the nose. Light bodied for such a dark beer. Surprisingly good.

kajser27 (2993) - Zagreb, CROATIA - JUN 16, 2019
UPDATED: JUN 16, 2019 Black colored, medium beige creamy head, good lasting, nice lacing. Aroma is of chocolate, malty, some caramel, roasted malt, some brown sugar. Taste is medium sweet malt, chocolate with light caramel, it brown sugar and some roasted notes, bittersweet finish. Medium bodied, soft carbonation, creamy.

PilsnerTeam21 (2) - - APR 6, 2019 does not count
UPDATED: APR 6, 2019 Buena cerveza, de color cafe muy oscura casi negra, de espuma poco densa y poco persistente, de color más clara que el líquido, fácil de tomar para ser una porter, muy agradable al paladar de sensación láctea, con toques ligeros a caramelo oscuro y café, de gran cuerpo.

eRock_2013 (657) - South Carolina, USA - MAR 5, 2019
UPDATED: MAR 5, 2019 I must say, this is definitely one of the better beers I've had from Samuel Adams in recent memory, and this was also definitely my favorite of the varieties included in the 2019 Samuel Adams winter mix pack. Poured a ruby brown-accented black coffee color with white khaki foam, looks like a cup of medium roast coffee with a splash of cream. Aroma is light roasted coffee bean with a touch of milky sweetness. Flavor follows with a coffee-and-cream profile and additional notes of milk chocolate and roasted malt bitterness. A touch of subtle English hop bitterness also. Medium-bodied and smooth, a very satisfying middle of the road stout, not too mild or too intense. Overall this was an enjoyable winter seasonal beer that offers a little extra complexity, I would buy this again as a standalone six-pack if it were offered as such.

2OLD4BS (1352) - west windsor, New Jersey, USA - JAN 6, 2019
UPDATED: JAN 6, 2019 Chocolate with some coffee flavor. Somewhat watery and bland. Light carbonation. Light cream flavor in the background. Nice aftertaste. I expected something more exciting from this beer.

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