RATINGS: 85   WEIGHTED AVG: 2.83/5   SEASONAL: Winter   EST. CALORIES: 162   ABV: 5.4%
This rich, smooth ale has a soft, malt character with a medium body. Look for hints of toasted malt flavor, slight hop bitterness and an amber brown color.

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pete4999 (1445) - Buffalo, New York, USA - NOV 14, 2010
Bottle. Pours a dark brown with a tannish head. Head was frothy. Smelled heavily of hazelnut, some sweet coffee. Flavor was similar, mouthfeel was very thin/watery. Really not all that impressive.

checkmatei1 (765) - Willow Grove, Pennsylvania, USA - JUN 2, 2010
Bottle: Poured a dark amber brown color with a thick head. The aroma was sweet malts. The flavor was slight chocolate and sweet malts. Overall, in typical Saranac fashion, an easy drinker.

Rciesla (5497) - Exit 15W, New Jersey, USA - FEB 26, 2010
Bottle. Pours a brune amber body with a tan head. Malty sweetness some light earth y bitterness with a touch of some dried fruit. Toasted malt a bit sweet and bitter with a medium body and light carbonation. An average brown.

AmyGinger (43) - USA - FEB 22, 2010
Nice dark color with a decent fluffy head. Very little aroma. Decent blend of malt/bitter hops taste, but not a very big flavor. Not a bad taste, just not a lot of taste

MarkBarnes (432) - Waterville, New York, USA - NOV 21, 2009
Rating entered here in error on November 22, 2009 (see Saranac "Brown Ale" for actual beer rated).

smcolw (679) - Boston, Massachusetts, USA - APR 11, 2009
Rich, chocolate malty aroma with a subtle but noteable flowery hop balance. Very inviting. Dark amber in color (but still very clear) with an egg shell white head that poured two fingers thick. Pretty lasting lace. Rich, thick body with dark malt flavor (crystal and chocolate?). The bittering hops show up immediately and powerfully during the tasting. The hops used are obviously meant for bittering and flavor rather than aroma. The aftertaste starts with a caramel/buttery feel that quickly moves toward the bitter. The mouthfeel is almost a hybrid. It has the fullness and "roundness" of an ale, yet it is crisp like a lager. Carbonation is as expected. A very good beer that is much more hoppy than most dunkels. I lean toward hops. If I was grading against style, I’d probably dock this one. But with my preferences, I like this more than the usually dark lagers because it is so much more flavorful (to me).

jaid6 (26) - Ohio, USA - JAN 16, 2009
Pours meduim brown Thin off white head. Tases hoppy slighly acidic all and all I have had better nut brown ale

Brewbie (497) - New York, USA - JAN 12, 2009
12oz bottle. light cola colored, small fluffy head. nice nutty malt aroma light malt taste. nothing outstanding but a decent beer

changeup45 (1731) - Lake Mary, Florida, USA - APR 9, 2008
Another one from the Saranac winter samper pack. Pours an amber brown body with a relatively thick tanish head. Not much to the aroma, slightly malty with a mild hop bite. A little more malt in the flavor as that was the dominating flavor but there was a sour, bitter hop bite in there as well. Slightly bitter aftertaste. A pretty good beer but not great. Again, I’ll say Saranac is a pretty good selection, especially when examining one’s budget

abcfan (928) - New Jersey, USA - MAR 8, 2008
As with most Saranac beers, there is not much going on with this one. It has a light nutty flavor to it, but nothing really special about it. Pours a nice dark color, but is very thin in the mouth.

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