Tennessee Brew Works Reviews

Tennessee Brew Works Hippies & Cowboys IPA
Robert's Western World: straight front bottle. Aroma is grapefruit and hints of tropical notes. Fairly bitter. Lingering aftertaste. Olde schoole.
Monday, March 25, 2024

Tennessee Brew Works State Park Blonde Ale
At Tootsie's in a bottle: aroma is grainy mostly. Sweetish with that cheap blonde ale feel. Not great.
Sunday, March 24, 2024

Tennessee Brew Works 1927 IPA
Draught: pours copper with white head. Aroma is citrusy and hints of pine. Taste is sweet and lightly bitter. OK.
Sunday, March 24, 2024

Tennessee Brew Works Wildwood Flower
Draft at Sweet P’s BBQ in Knoxville because I was rushed. I expected this to be terrible based on the ratings but it’s actually a nice Belgian style ale. The yeast flavor is right with a nice crisp, medium bitterness. Maybe even a hint of tripel lurking in there. Nice.
Friday, March 15, 2024

Tennessee Brew Works Hippies & Cowboys IPA
1/13/24 - Nashville, Tn - on tap at BoomBozz Pizza. Hazy, light orange pour, thin silky snow- white head that leaves a bit of lacing. Fresh, fragrant tropical aroma, pineapple, spearmint, nice, Juicy flavor, nectarine fruity sweetness, pineapple, touch of grapefruit bitterness, some cake mix sweetness in the back end. Sticky, thick mouthfeel.
Sunday, January 14, 2024

Tennessee Brew Works Petite Barleywine
500 ml. 2022 edition bottle. Clear, deep copper brew with a lasting thin disc of creamy foam. Aroma of booze, bread, caramel, whiskey, cherry, and earthy toasted barrel. Tastes of the same mix but kind of washed out. Very bitter, wooden boozy finish. Medium bodied with low-medium carbonation and a decent balance. Over a year in the bottle and still disappointing.
Saturday, November 25, 2023

Tennessee Brew Works Colts Double Chocolate Raspberry Stout
Pours clear, very dark chestnut with a light tan head. Aroma is cocoa, berry and roast. Taste is dark chocolate and raspberry, moving to roast and tangy hops. Finish is chocolate, raspberry and roast. Could use some sweetness.
Thursday, October 12, 2023

Tennessee Brew Works Tripel Star
Pours hazy pale golden with a one finger, white head. Aroma is candi sugar, Belgian yeast and light spice. Taste is candi sugar, moving to bread, cardamom and Belgian yeast. Finish matches the taste.
Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Tennessee Brew Works Tangerine Waltz
Hazy gold in color with a three-finger head. Aroma is tangerine and hops. Taste is bitter citrus.
Saturday, September 30, 2023

Tennessee Brew Works Extra Easy Ale
Pours dark amber aroma is malt heavy small head medium bubbles. Not very notable
Monday, August 14, 2023

Tennessee Brew Works Hippies & Cowboys IPA
Pours a hazy orange strong citrus aroma small head. Bitter front with no real redeeming qualities
Saturday, August 12, 2023

Tennessee Brew Works Urban Hiker
Draft at AT&T Field. Pours a clear gold with a finger of head that settles into a ring. Pale and lightly sweet malts, a hint of fruit and straw, not much else. Light-bodied, with modest carbonation and a crisp, light, clean mouthfeel. Standard pale lager, not bad.
Sunday, July 30, 2023

Tennessee Brew Works Walk the Lime
Very nice light and fruity aroma. Orange body, thin white head. Not overly heavy like a lot of wheat ales, good amount of tart lime to make it interesting. The lime tastes as real as the lime you would put in a corona, rind and all. The palate is just light enough with a nice finish. This is a great summer beer.
Thursday, July 13, 2023

Tennessee Brew Works 1927 IPA
Smells malty, hoppy and dank all at the same time. Pours dark orange with a fluffy white head. Tastes like an IPA should. Hoppy with a hint of balancing sweetness, not trying to do too much. The palate is smooth with good carbonation. Good beer for a hot day. I would drink this again.
Thursday, July 13, 2023

Tennessee Brew Works Hippies & Cowboys IPA
Nice citrus aroma. Light orange color, no head. Tastes bitter up front with a weak finish. Meh.
Sunday, July 9, 2023

Tennessee Brew Works / Hutton & Smith Hazy Trails
Very nice hazy IPA, offering up honeydew and grapefruit on top of tropical notes and a lime zest undertone. Finishes with a slight chive funkiness on top of cracker malt and a touch of pine. Not much bitterness, but there's a slight bit of astringency as the pint warms. Still, a good beer.
Sunday, July 9, 2023

Tennessee Brew Works Laughing Guy Lager
12 ounce can at the house in Stow, Ohio. Gift. Smells grainy. Golden in color with white head. Taste the grain. Light bodied and crushable. Grainy aftertaste. Reminds me of basic German beers. Cheers!
Monday, June 26, 2023

Tennessee Brew Works Urban Hiker
Clear gold in color with a three-finger head. Aroma is grains. Taste is also grains with a well balanced finish.
Saturday, June 3, 2023

Tennessee Brew Works State Park Blonde Ale
Clear light golden with a medium sized white head. Light aroma of grains. Light and crisp in the mouth with a very light hop character. Clean drinking but not much flavor.
Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Tennessee Brew Works Hippies & Cowboys IPA
Clear gold in color with a small head. Aroma is citrus fruit and tropical fruit. Taste is also citrus fruit and tropical fruit.
Sunday, May 7, 2023

Tennessee Brew Works Clingmans Dome
Woof. Lots of wet cardboard, bitter pine, and cough syrup, loaded up with boozy warmth and oily, medicinal bitterness. Trying to find a positive but failing. Very bad DIPA.
Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Tennessee Brew Works Urban Hiker
Lots of sweet corn and vanilla notes, with grainy notes continuing into the slightly floral finish. Simple and underwhelming.
Thursday, February 16, 2023

Tennessee Brew Works Tenn No. 12 Belgian Style Quad
500 ml. bottle indicates 10% abv and “2021 Limited Edition”. Pour is chestnut brown with an inch of spongy foam on top. Aroma has whiskey, caramel, clove, and chocolate. Tastes of bread pudding, raisin, whiskey, chocolate, and toasted barrel. Medium-plus mouthfeel with smooth medium carbonation and a good balance. Purchased at City Farm Wine and Spirits.
Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Tennessee Brew Works Colts Chocolate Stout
500 ml. with no bottling date. Typical stout body with a layer of big bubbles on top. Aroma of chocolate, fig, soy sauce, and merlot. Tastes of grain, merlot, oats, soy sauce, and cocoa. Medium bodied with a nice balance and low carbonation. Purchased at City Farms Wine and Spirits.
Sunday, January 29, 2023

Tennessee Brew Works Tenn No. 12 Belgian Style Quad
I had a taster of this at Pour Taproom Knoxvlle TN. Poured a lightbrown with no real head. aromas mostly of alcohol. Some malt in heare with caramel... I'm not a Quad guy.
Thursday, January 26, 2023

Tennessee Brew Works 1927 IPA
Pounder can poured a hazy gold with a small lasting creamy white head. Aromas of straw, pine, dankness and grapefruit zest. Palate was light bodied and crisp with a dry finish. Flavors of bread, pine and grapefruit zest with a crisp dry bitter lingering grapefruit zest finish.
Sunday, January 8, 2023

Tennessee Brew Works Colts Chocolate Stout
Silky and smooth, with a bug dollop of semisweet chocolate on top of cascara, anise, caramel, and a little roast. Texture is a tad thin, but still a nice stout.
Thursday, January 5, 2023

Tennessee Brew Works King Chestnut
Modest notes of cocoa and toasted bread, backed up by a hint of caramel and a slight nuttiness on the back end. Grows too bitter in the finish for the mildness of the malts. Decent.
Sunday, December 25, 2022

Tennessee Brew Works Hopped & Devoted
Hazy pale that could double as a session NEIPA. Up front waves of berry, grapefruit pith, peach, and lychee, backed up by a hint of white bread. No malt presence whatsoever. Mild mineral and pine bitterness on the finish. Wish the pint was ad good as the cause.
Monday, December 19, 2022

Tennessee Brew Works Hippies & Cowboys IPA
On tap at Robert's Western World, Nashville. Cloudy orange with small white head. Citrus, biscuit, floral, nice bitter finish. Medium bodied.
Monday, December 5, 2022

Tennessee Brew Works Southern Wit
Can poured a hazy tarnished gold with a small lasting white head. Aromas of wheat, coriander, yeast and a hint of citrus. Palate was light bodied and crisp with a dry finish. Flavour of wheat, coriander and yeast with a crisp dry lingering coriander finish.
Monday, September 26, 2022

Tennessee Brew Works Hippies & Cowboys IPA
12oz can pours out golden topped with a white head. Nose is citrus floral grapefruit hops. Taste is more of the citrus hops pithy grapefruit bitterness.
Thursday, September 1, 2022

Tennessee Brew Works Tangerine Waltz
4 pack of pints, canned 07/01/22. Slightly foggy orange-golden pour with a creamy disc of foam. Nose of tangerine and bread. Tastes of caramel, orange, wooden toothpick, wet grain, and citrus zest. Light-plus body with with medium-plus fizz. Mildly astringent and dry. Purchased at Knox Brew Hub.
Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Tennessee Brew Works Extra Easy Ale
355ml bottle. Loight amber pour. Aroma is grainy malt and savory english yeast. Flavor is oily savory english yeast and a hint of malt sweetness.
Saturday, June 18, 2022

Tennessee Brew Works Southern Wit
Bottle at Tootsies Nashville. Easy to drink, orange citrus notes. Light bodied. Smooth.
Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Tennessee Brew Works Tenn No. 12 Belgian Style Quad
2020 bottle
Monday, June 6, 2022

Tennessee Brew Works State Park Blonde Ale
Clear gold with sparkles if bubbles and thin foamy lacy white head Aroma is mildly dank Flava is rich grain tangy decent hops Feels light crisp with lively fizzy zing Finishes dry and tangy grainy
Saturday, April 16, 2022

Tennessee Brew Works King Chestnut
Appearance is a dark brown color with a beige head. The aroma is faint with some caramel and nutmeg. The flavor is slightly sweet with some caramel, nutmeg, and chocolate flavors. This is a rather tasty brown. Nice beer.
Sunday, March 27, 2022

Tennessee Brew Works Hippies & Cowboys IPA
Draft. Pours gold with a white head. Kinda sharp citric hops, mild bitterness, and a relatively clean finish with mild lingering hoppy bitterness. Solid.
Sunday, January 16, 2022

Tennessee Brew Works 1927 IPA
Draft. Pours hazed golden orange with a white head. Fruity hops, a little citrus, mild malty sweetness and mil-moderate bitterness. This is fine.
Monday, January 10, 2022

Tennessee Brew Works Southern Wit
Draft. Pours gold with a white head. Quick pale malts, really light lemony and grain, and faint yeasty notes. Decent.
Monday, January 10, 2022

Tennessee Brew Works B.A. Whiskey Smash
A decent beer approximation of a whisky smash, but not really great at being either. Strong ale notes bring a mild caramel and brandied fruit backbone, while the mixed drink side offers up tart lemon and citrus zest, with a hint of mint on the back end. Finishes tart and boozy, with a bourbon and oak fade laced with lemon juice. One of those beers that makes me ponder its purpose; why not just have a whisky smash? It's not like it takes a mixologist to make one.
Thursday, January 6, 2022

Tennessee Brew Works Farmer's Beat
Draft pour, ruby red. Smells like beets and soil. I really like what they did here. Tastes like beet juice mixed into beer. I’ve had this in a sour version before but this is a smooth and easy beer. Tastes like beets.
Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Tennessee Brew Works B.A. Whiskey Smash
Draft pour. Amber color with a whiskey sour aroma. I like this. It’s like a mixed drink with whiskey notes but a citrus, grapefruit and orange rind base running through it.
Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Tennessee Brew Works Hippies & Cowboys IPA
16 oz draft pours a hazy orange color with a small white head. Aromas of light citrus, pine, resin. Medium bodied, easy drinking nice beer
Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Tennessee Brew Works Barrel Aged Imperial Strawberry White Ale
Bottle poured a hazy orange amber with a small lasting off white head. Aromas of wheat, strawberries, light whiskey and light vanilla. Palate was light bodied and crisp with a dry finish. Flavors of wheat, strawberries, light oak and a hint of whiskey with a crisp dry lingering strawberry finish.
Friday, August 13, 2021

Tennessee Brew Works Southern Wit
Bottle at Tootsies in Nashville. Pour was unfiltered light golden, white head. Aroma of coriander, spice, citrus, yeast. Taste was mild sweet, spice, coriander, wheat.
Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Tennessee Brew Works Wildwood Flower
12 oz. bottle from Kroger in Brentwood, TN. Pours a clear pale gold color with a thick white head and excellent retention. Good lacing. Strong Belgian yeast aroma. As the nose suggests, the flavor is dominated by Belgian yeast. Soft carbonation. Medium body. The 6.8% ABV is well hidden. Overall, okay for the style, but not a style I like. Tick.
Friday, June 25, 2021

Tennessee Brew Works 1927 IPA
Light and great flavor
Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Tennessee Brew Works Tenn No. 12 Imperial Porter
Decent, heavy on the Dickel and oak, with notes of chocolate, molasses, cola, caramel, and a firm woody bitterness. Comes off a bit tame on the back end, the oak dominating any lingering traces of booze. Smells nice, though.
Saturday, June 5, 2021