First Imperial Stout

Reads 1770 • Replies 1 • Started Tuesday, September 19, 2017 10:56:06 AM CT

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beers 1862 º places 13 º 10:56 Tue 9/19/2017

I'm about to start brewing my first imperial stout (all-grain). I'm still relatively new at home brewing, but wanted to get a bit creative. I'm trying to figure out two things:

1. If I want to add cinnamon to the brewing process, at what step would I add it?

2. Can anyone share some experience on their success / failures / tips about using brown sugar to prime?

places 23 º 12:03 Tue 9/19/2017

Originally posted by jflopsu
I'm about to start brewing my first imperial stout (all-grain). I'm still relatively new at home brewing, but wanted to get a bit creative. I'm trying to figure out two things:

1. If I want to add cinnamon to the brewing process, at what step would I add it?

2. Can anyone share some experience on their success / failures / tips about using brown sugar to prime?

I've added cinnamon to booze to soak for a couple weeks, followed by dossing it in measure amounts to finished beer till the taste was where I liked it. Then scale up to the whole keg/carboy etc.

For priming with brown sugar, I've only ever done it in a keg. I simply added a bunch of brown sugar to the keg, racked the beer on top, and "burped" it a couple times while the fermentation proceeded when the pressure got too high. Poor mans spunding?

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