As I'm going through checking and updating rate count related code, I ran into this list. |
Stats like this (and the many other stats on here) are one of the main things that keeps me on Ratebeer. I hope to make it into more of the top 50 leagues one day... |
Originally posted by wheresthepath +1 |
One of my favorite lists and one I hope to join someday. Grumbo is on there with less rates than I, so possible for us mortals. |
Originally posted by wheresthepath I've mentioned this every time stats threads come up on the RB forums, so far nothing has changed. But if Joe is actively making changes this time maybe we should hold out a little hope. It's great to see how far behind you are (if not in the top 50) and gives you motivation to drink more of the particular style/region/country/whatever! |
I am not on this list, and therefore it sucks. |
I love this list. I'm always seeking to try new numbers. I'm currently 47th on it. |
Interesting that the ticks don't seem to affect this list, only ratings. So a big ticker can have lots of Breweries in their count on their own stats but relatively few on this Most Breweries list, which is opposite to the overall number of beers list. |
I check this list out too, mostly because I am on it. Had beers from two new breweries last night, so should move up to 61st when I rate them both. One is a new country too, so that's another list I will be checking, 130 different counties so far. |
I'm a lot higher on this list than the beers list. I'm happy with that. |
Originally posted by wheresthepath +1000 Actually, this feature was available for some stats some time ago, and suddenly vanished. |
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