What is a ’session beer’?

Reads 1180 • Replies 12 • Started Tuesday, December 25, 2007 8:16:21 PM CT

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beers 9 º places 2 º 20:16 Tue 12/25/2007

I sometimes see beers describes as good ’session beers’ in the reviews. What does that mean?

beers 9241 º places 28 º 20:23 Tue 12/25/2007

Lower in alcohol (typically under 5%), easy to drink in quantity. Like a Mild, or many true Bitters.

beers 1024 º places 18 º 20:27 Tue 12/25/2007

i’ve always wondered about this too and i’ve been on this site for over 2 years now. i’m pretty sure it’s basically your daily drinker. in other words, a beer that you can drink quite a few of without getting to F’ed up. as opposed to a one and done 10% IIPA bomber.

for instance, my daily drinker is prima pils. during a night/session i can put down 3 > 5 and not feel like ass the next morning.

hope that helps; i could be totaly wrong though.

beers 2184 º places 32 º 20:29 Tue 12/25/2007

a fresh Orval

beers 9 º places 2 º 20:37 Tue 12/25/2007

Thanks. That sorts it out. My session beer is Creemore Premium Lager.

beers 4475 º places 1027 º 20:46 Tue 12/25/2007

A session beer = whisky.

beers 1 º places 18 º 07:34 Wed 12/26/2007

Session beers are those you can have a session with. It implies low strength and relatively easygoing flavours. In Britain, pur brewers specialise in them. Because so much of our "craft beer" drinking is done socially, at the pub, as opposed to in our own homes.

Back in May, I wrote an article on my website entitled "Session beers - the real art of brewing". You might find it helpful:


beers 1027 º places 15 º 07:36 Wed 12/26/2007

A session beer is any beer you will drink multiples of over a night and/or on a regular basis as opposed to drinking a beer you might have only once or twice with the intent on trying/rating it for the first and/or last time.

beers 5592 º places 50 º 09:21 Wed 12/26/2007

Basicly what the two above me have just said, but also i thiunk it must be noted session beers ar different in different countries. In britian a session beer is somehting below 4% that you can have many pints of and not get too pished. However in america it seems a session beer is somethiung under6% that you can have a 6 pack of and not feel terrible the next day. Just different cultures i suppose.

beers 8860 º places 328 º 09:41 Wed 12/26/2007

heheheh, I love it when this question pops it’s notoriuos head out of the forum.

I agree with Hogtown Harry on this one but many of the hardcore beers drinkers on this site will tell you virtually anything can be a session brew. Including the highest rated ABVs.

Personally I’d go even a little lower and suggest a session beer would be 4% or lower.

beers 2238 º places 53 º 10:10 Wed 12/26/2007

Originally posted by dangermoose
Thanks. That sorts it out. My session beer is Creemore Premium Lager.

I’ve heard that’s a pretty good beer.