Is Joet Going To Destroy Ratebeer?

Reads 35030 • Replies 216 • Started Monday, October 23, 2017 4:07:30 AM CT

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beers 38844 º places 460 º 07:31 Mon 10/30/2017

Originally posted by chriso
Originally posted by WingmanWillis
I'm happy to review the places as the USP of ratebeer for me.

Good point. There aren't really any decent place and widely used place review sites - in the UK at least - these days. The link up of that with beer availability and ticking is pretty unique. We could be making more of all this.

I think Joe, want to get to point where places are better represented and you can see easier what beers are on now, but that needs a way bigger userbase.

But add in forums, and RB still has a Unique position, but is it/will it be enough. Only time will tell.

It sadly a lot smaller sample than i hoped. but Forums seem to be where most people think we stand best chance

beers 26440 º places 2146 º 08:44 Mon 10/30/2017

I believe that the acceptance of ticks within our rating system is another and major case of dumbing down the site to become a inferior Untapped. Whereas Untapped can handle the throughput of largely thoughtless ticks, this site is suffering. Going down this route is a one way street, there will be no way back to be seen as a quality source of beer data and information unfortunately. So yes it does appear that Ratebeer is being 'destroyed', although that term is quite strong, more allowed to die quietly.
Just my tuppence worth.

beers 20020 º places 321 º 08:58 Mon 10/30/2017

Originally posted by imdownthepub
I believe that the acceptance of ticks within our rating system is another and major case of dumbing down the site to become a inferior Untapped. Whereas Untapped can handle the throughput of largely thoughtless ticks, this site is suffering.
Just my tuppence worth.

This, and also the potential technical difficulties the separate weighing of ticks vs ratings would bring, is why I would suggest separate averages and such.

beers 38844 º places 460 º 09:14 Mon 10/30/2017

Originally posted by imdownthepub
I believe that the acceptance of ticks within our rating system is another and major case of dumbing down the site to become a inferior Untapped. Whereas Untapped can handle the throughput of largely thoughtless ticks, this site is suffering. Going down this route is a one way street, there will be no way back to be seen as a quality source of beer data and information unfortunately. So yes it does appear that Ratebeer is being 'destroyed', although that term is quite strong, more allowed to die quietly.
Just my tuppence worth.

So do you think RB has a problem as is, Do you think its become way less relevant to the wider beer community.

See i think we have problems. I think RB is dying a slow death, with most new users ignoring us, When they look to find beers untappd has them RB doesnt. This is the very reason i joined RB over BA.

So even leaving aside the different methods both sites use, i think their DB is becoming better than ours, even with the errors that used to exist(and may still do)

If you dont belive theres an issue, then were never going to see eye to eye on this one, but assuming you do see the same problems i do, what solutions do you think there are.

And why would accepting ticks make us an inferior untappd. We still have a lot of Review data, i still intend to review. Many other will. Yeah i accept theres a risk we end up with a poorer site than we want, but i think that far greater risk is that ratebeer becomes irrelevant and joe stops running it. and we then have no site.

Far better to be brave and try build a better site all be it that compromises need to be made between many current user mind set and new user mind set. Im 99% certain id join Untappd if i came along now.

in fact i think thats todays poll.

beers 27911 º places 1003 º 15:44 Mon 10/30/2017

Originally posted by cgarvieuk
See i think we have problems. I think RB is dying a slow death

Disagree. RB is suffering from a death rattle. We're fucking losing rating, ratings are floating around not attached to any particular beer, or any paricular user. The site for rating beer is becoming useless for that task. It's fucked.

beers 2900 º places 125 º 16:37 Mon 10/30/2017

Oh my goodness. This is beyond ridiculous. I understand the grumbling but for everyone's sake, including the grumblers, let's have a little reality check.

Change in the past was marked by similar grumblings. We can always count on this like clockwork. Change = discontent. If RateBeer's change was to give away free beer or even just cash, there would still be grumblings. For about entire existence, excited new users proclaimed RateBeer saved their lives and the world, while grumbling users claimed RateBeer was ruinous and doomed. Both groups have had overstated claims.

For the sake of others' sanity and your own, please have a bit of patience and understand:

1) We got this. While some of what we are doing is explorative, we are also leveraging a mountain of experience and making changes that we know will result in greater success. We are actively enacting plans for even greater success. A few users on this site have spent 8, 10 or more years wailing about RateBeer's imminent death. While they've been completely wrong, and probably would have had more fun with their lives with a happier outlook, I don't censor any of this wallowing. So reader, please be aware, you may suffer through this stuff without knowing that our silence can't be taken as agreement.

2) Things have already been rapidly improving. Our stats from last year versus this show we've been improving far faster than planned in terms of more users, ratings and visitors. We're working on addition key stats to engage many more users

3) We beg your pardon if you're upset by the dust and dirt of change. It is the nature of the universe to change. The Buddhist concept of non attachment can be applied to decrease the negative effects of change. We are revving our engine and rapidly increasing the number of changes weekly to very high levels. I apologize if this is unsettling, but we have big dreams!

beers 5200 º places 142 º 16:58 Mon 10/30/2017

Originally posted by joet
The Buddhist concept of non attachment can be applied to decrease the negative effects of change.

It also decreases the positive effect of change, there is no attachment.

Has I stated in the beginning. My main issue isn't the "Work in Progress" this is part and parcel of Ratebeer and i imagine every website that develops and changes.

What my concern is, is the untappd direction it seems to be going in and I am worried this will be done at the detriment of useful stats.

I read quite a bit on Buddhism Joe and strongly believe in the following.
Everything follows the rule of Impermanence. Even Ratebeer.

beers 3251 º places 25 º 17:16 Mon 10/30/2017

The sky is falling, says chicken little. Duck for cover! LOL.

beers 2900 º places 125 º 17:18 Mon 10/30/2017

Originally posted by SarkyNorthener
What my concern is, is the untappd direction it seems to be going in and I am worried this will be done at the detriment of useful stats.

I guess this is all very strange thinking to me in that it lacks considerable imagination.

There were a few people who, back in 2004, didn't understand how RateBeer and Beer Advocate could coexist and they very firmly believed one of us would soon die. Those same people believed everyone who liked beer would belong to one site or the other. They also assumed the market was fixed and we were fighting over share. Some of those same people either suggested or feared that the way to stay alive would be to simply replicate the functions of the other site.

They were very, very wrong. I knew so then and everyone knows so now. Untappd wouldn't even exist if these opinions and assumptions were even remotely correct.

So I don't really feel this is an addressable fear. It stems from a limited idea about what we are, what human behavior is out there, and where we're going to adapt to it. It assumes there are few options. It assumes cataclysm. It assumes a market share fight. None of these assumptions make any sense.

beers 5500 º places 205 º 17:19 Mon 10/30/2017

Originally posted by joet
RateBeer's change was is to give away free beer or even just cash...

I'll BM you my address!