Is Joet Going To Destroy Ratebeer?

Reads 35029 • Replies 216 • Started Monday, October 23, 2017 4:07:30 AM CT

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beers 3251 º places 25 º 15:29 Fri 11/3/2017

I'm gonna go back to sharing my ratings on FB. One small step.

beers 3514 º places 102 º 15:30 Fri 11/3/2017

Originally posted by Bill Becker
Originally posted by Crit
Originally posted by sloth
Anybody else think the "reviewers" on UT over rate (over score) the hell out of damn near every beer they rate? Most of the scores seem outta control, to me anyways.

Totally agree !!

Totally disagree.!

Wrong. They’re a bit over the top. The more I compare the more I see it.

beers 3251 º places 25 º 15:35 Fri 11/3/2017

Originally posted by sloth
Originally posted by Bill Becker
Originally posted by Crit
Originally posted by sloth
Anybody else think the "reviewers" on UT over rate (over score) the hell out of damn near every beer they rate? Most of the scores seem outta control, to me anyways.

Totally agree !!

Totally disagree.!

Wrong. They’re a bit over the top. The more I compare the more I see it.

I disagree with the near every damn beer and I'm sticking to it.

beers 3251 º places 25 º 15:49 Fri 11/3/2017

Plus the fine tuned rating for each aspect of a beer on RB is going to produce different results than an overall score with a 0.25-5.0 range that Untappd employs.

beers 11642 º places 996 º 16:17 Fri 11/3/2017

Think of all the extra time I'll have if RB is gone :)

beers 3251 º places 25 º 16:22 Fri 11/3/2017

Originally posted by Sledutah
Think of all the extra time I'll have if RB is gone :)

beers 7500 º places 450 º 17:36 Fri 11/3/2017

I am not going to read this whole thread again but one issue I am seeing is a lack of new information and entering new beers. I am just about to enter Summit Belgian Pale Ale. This is from the 2nd largest brewery in MN where we have a lot of users, and this beer has been on the market for weeks. I consider this a minor anecdote worthy of note. I hope, Joe, you consider whether something is happening that is making users less interested in contributing, which is very clearly happening in the forums. With this post, I am talking about hard beer data.

beers 3514 º places 102 º 17:51 Fri 11/3/2017

Originally posted by Bill Becker
Plus the fine tuned rating for each aspect of a beer on RB is going to produce different results than an overall score with a 0.25-5.0 range that Untappd employs.

You win! UT is the shit bro, enjoy!

beers 3251 º places 25 º 18:03 Fri 11/3/2017

Originally posted by sloth
Originally posted by Bill Becker
Plus the fine tuned rating for each aspect of a beer on RB is going to produce different results than an overall score with a 0.25-5.0 range that Untappd employs.

You win! UT is the shit bro, enjoy!

It's not the shit but it does have some worthiness and I see a lot of BAs and RBs using it as well. ;)

beers 13631 º places 750 º 18:35 Fri 11/3/2017

Originally posted by JK
I am not going to read this whole thread again but one issue I am seeing is a lack of new information and entering new beers. I am just about to enter Summit Belgian Pale Ale. This is from the 2nd largest brewery in MN where we have a lot of users, and this beer has been on the market for weeks. I consider this a minor anecdote worthy of note. I hope, Joe, you consider whether something is happening that is making users less interested in contributing, which is very clearly happening in the forums. With this post, I am talking about hard beer data.

I entered a beer about a month ago that already had 350 unique ticks on Untappd. Founders Porter, another example, has 2000 ratings on RB, and over 150,000 unique ticks on UT. I suspect it's sheer number of users, rather than engagement of the users, but I have no data to back that up. Either way, it's hard to say that our database would be able to be as current and complete as UT with those kind of numbers.